Klima uPVC Windows and Doors

Klima uPVC

New Zealand made uPVC Windows and Doors

The ultimate in thermal efficiency

Why choose Klima Series?

Klima series may not yet be as familiar to you as aluminium, but uPVC joinery is set to become a very popular option for New Zealanders in the coming years.

Designed and manufactured here in New Zealand to suit our uniquely challenging climate, durable Klima Series windows and doors deliver warmth and comfort all year round and are unbeatable for thermal efficiency.

Health. Warmth. Comfort.

For most of us building a new house, those three things are going to be top of our wish list. And these days you can add another: sustainability.

The key is the use of uPVC, a natural insulator with low conductivity. Popular in Europe, uPVC joinery reduces the transfer of both hot and cold temperatures and is the smart and sustainable alternative to timber and aluminium. What's more, highly durable uPVC is capable of withstanding New Zealand's harsh sunlight without discolouring or degrading, and offers excellent noise reduction. Inspired by Europe, designed for New Zealand, made for your home, Klima Series is the sustainable choice.

Klima UPVC windows

Benefits include:

• Thermal efficiency: perfect for use in the New Zealand climate, particularly where there are cold temperatures

• Healthier homes: an affordable investment to create a warmer, healthier home

• Noise reduction: offers very good levels of noise reduction

• Durability: can withstand New Zealand's harshest sunlight without discolouring or degrading, due to the fact it is made of highly durable uPVC.

• Klima Series is designed and made in New Zealand

Product overview:

• Recommended door height of 2.2m for most products, however doors can potentially be higher depending on site conditions

• Our window system is rated a maximum 6 energy stars under WEERS (Window Energy Efficiency Rating System) when used with high-performance glazing

• Units are 24mm double glazed

• Available in a standard range of windows and doors, with the exception of a bi-fold format

Key benefits to Klima uPVC

Benefit of Klima uPVC: Thermal Efficiency

Thermal Efficiency

Our doors are easy to clean and require little upkeep to keep them in top condition.

Benefit of Klima uPVC: Noise Reduction

Noise Reduction

Our doors are built to last, expertly designed and built with the latest manufacturing technologies for maximum strength and stability

benefit Of Klima uPVC:Durability


Built with durable materials, there is little risk of the door swelling and warping in damp conditions

benefit Of Klima uPVC:Healthier Homes

Healthier Homes

Using the colourfast technologies of anodising and powdercoating, we have a wide selection of up-to-date colour and finish options available

Make it stand out.

New Zealanders typically battle through living in unhealthy homes. Even now, a third of kiwi homes are too cold in winter, and more than a third are too warm in summer.

Much of the problem lies with our choice of windows and doors. In a home built to minimum New Zealand Building Code requirements, windows may constitute only

8-10% of the thermal envelope but up to 40%* of heat loss, as well as the majority of heat gained. So if we want to build homes that stay comfortable, healthy, and energy-efficient whatever the season, we have to start by making smarter decisions about windows and doors.

Klima Series capitalizes on the natural insulating properties of uPVC, a material well-known to Europeans, who take it for granted that they can, if they wish, enjoy their homes dressed 365 days a year in t-shirt and shorts.

When used with high-performance glazing, Klima Series windows and doors achieve a maximum six-star energy rating under the WEERS (Window Energy Efficiency Rating System) system. In terms of the Homestar scheme, Klima Series can help a building achieve a 'top of the class' six Homestar rating. The system is also in harmony with Passive House, the energy-efficient design and construction methodology whose five key principles include the use of well-insulated, high-performance windows and doors. Why is Klima so good? It comes down to the innate low conductivity of uPVC and the clever design of the joinery. The result is a house that's significantly cheaper to heat in winter, cool in summer, and simply healthier year-round.

Klima Series window joinery

Optimized for New Zealand conditions

How do you test the durability of window joinery? In the case of the Klima Series, try four years of intense testing in the harsh Australian desert. By using a device that followed the sun to maximise daily exposure, those four blazing Australian years produced the equivalent of 22 years of sun exposure in this country. Yet thanks to the special qualities of uPVC, Klima Series showed na sign of cracking or blistering.

That shows you how much work we've put into optimising the Klima Series for local conditions. Essentially, we've taken an already highly successful product and further engineered it to withstand New Zealand's high UV levels and unique conditions. Klima Series is designed and built in New Zealand specifically for our place.

There's nothing mysterious here for kiwi builders either. Klima Series is installed in exactly the same way as aluminium joinery. It's business as usual for the building site, but a whole new world of performance for your home.